Recounts, #Myanmar and a World moving cautiously

(Damn, I’ve been trying to put together an essay on how Russia is holding Syria’s feet to the fire in order to establish its dominance in the Middle East but Reality keeps intruding. Anyway, bowing to the inevitable…)

Let’s backtrack a little to last month’s post. In an interesting twist, Pizzagate came out right on the heels of my criticism of Satanism. Do I believe that Pizzagate is real? Yes. Am I attempting to downplay the horrendous abuse that children have endured? No. As far as I can see, paedophilia is being used for blackmail purposes and as payment for goods or services rendered. Satanism is the third purpose. My post was specifically about how little sense Satanism itself makes, but this in no way is meant to trivialise the horrors attached to those who have been snared in its web. That the perpetrators are mentally deranged goes without saying…as is their belief system.

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