Poor #wogs and #wops can’t seem to catch a break #Plato

As is usual with my essays, I need to backtrack a bit before attacking the main point.

I did my schooling in Australia and it wasn’t a happy place for me. There was much name-calling, for instance. I was a “slope”, “brown mongrel” and “black monkey”, while others were wops, wogs and i-ties. I could understand my own names but I was always surprised by the other insults because the “wops, wogs and i-ties” looked white to me. I was stumped. Why were whites calling other whites names?

To this day, I still can’t figure it out. If I see someone from the back, most of the time I can’t tell whether they’re Chinese, Northern Indian or European. They all look white to me. Sure, if someone points it out, I can sometimes see the faintest tint to their skin, the darker tone of hair, but I really have to squint to see it. However such minute differences were as plain as day to my fellow students. Suffice it to say that, to Caucasians, anyone other than a Caucasian–Mediterranean types, Arab types, not to mention Asians and *shock*horror* black Africans–were/are obviously inferior.

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I want to respect #Russia but it’s difficult #Tupolev

While it’s true that I have a Master’s in International Politics, it’s not worth a helluva lot in this world because of all I wasn’t taught.

I wasn’t taught that the United States and the United Kingdom (together with their fellow Anglo wannabe dictator nations that make up the “Five Eyes”) use their influence to coerce other nations into actions counter to those nations’ interests. (There’s a reason why Australia has such a bad reputation among the Pacific Island nations.)

I wasn’t taught that the Mossad is essentially an anti-democratic death squad masquerading as a nation-state’s intelligence apparatus. I wasn’t taught that failed states can be propped up indefinitely through the use of military aid.

Continue reading I want to respect #Russia but it’s difficult #Tupolev

Who writes this shit? #Google #GoogleHome #Amazon #Alexa

Consumerist (now defunct) tells me that the internet is “transfixed” by two Google Home devices talking to each other. It (the internet) uses the words “amused”, “befuddled”, “delighted”. Interestingly, one word it doesn’t use is “horrified”.

Reading the transcript of these two devices is an exercise in how brainwashing works.

Before we get into that, though, we have to ask: what is Google Home? An AI? A voice-activated search engine? An artificial friend? According to Google’s website:

Continue reading Who writes this shit? #Google #GoogleHome #Amazon #Alexa

Post-US election and a topsy-turvy world #Clinton #USA #Trump

Happy New Year! After the Electoral College’s December vindication of Trump’s November election last year, it’s now pretty much over bar the shouting.

All my USian friends are so-called “liberals” and have deplored the election of Trump. I can see their point, but I also tried to bring some balance to the equation by pointing out The Rest of the World’s perspective:

  • Trump is against the TTIP and TPPA, which has already won him some brownie points in other countries
  • Trump doesn’t want to start WWIII with Russia
  • Clinton has promised nuclear war with both Russia and Iran
  • There have been other racists and sexists in the White House and the world hasn’t come to an end
Continue reading Post-US election and a topsy-turvy world #Clinton #USA #Trump

My doubts about #FidelCastro

Fidel Castro died recently at the ripe old age of 90. It seems that all left-leaning commentators must praise the man who defied the might United States for half a century. As I’m somewhat left of Che Guevara it must follow, then, that I do the same. But Fidel Castro isn’t passing the smell test to me and I thought I’d use the second of this month’s blog posts to explain why.

It’s obvious to all who bothered with reading Cuba’s history that the exceedingly corrupt Fulgencio Batista had to replaced. While Batista was the democratically elected President of Cuba from 1940 to 1944, he came back as a US-backed dictator in 1952. Wikipedia says that:

[R]eceiving financial, military, and logistical support from the United States government, Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans.

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Recounts, #Myanmar and a World moving cautiously

(Damn, I’ve been trying to put together an essay on how Russia is holding Syria’s feet to the fire in order to establish its dominance in the Middle East but Reality keeps intruding. Anyway, bowing to the inevitable…)

Let’s backtrack a little to last month’s post. In an interesting twist, Pizzagate came out right on the heels of my criticism of Satanism. Do I believe that Pizzagate is real? Yes. Am I attempting to downplay the horrendous abuse that children have endured? No. As far as I can see, paedophilia is being used for blackmail purposes and as payment for goods or services rendered. Satanism is the third purpose. My post was specifically about how little sense Satanism itself makes, but this in no way is meant to trivialise the horrors attached to those who have been snared in its web. That the perpetrators are mentally deranged goes without saying…as is their belief system.

Continue reading Recounts, #Myanmar and a World moving cautiously